Apr 272011

Wikispooks introduction Transcript of a Press TV interview with Dr Paul Craig Roberts on 25 April 2011. A video of the interview which also includes contributions from Chip Pitts is available on the press TV site here. It is well worth watching for the extended footage of Nato air-strikes devastation in Tripoli and Gaddafi’s many meetings, greetings and hugs with the Western World’s statesmen who just a few months later are waging war on him – most notably Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi The two most persuasive theses presented by Craig-Roberts concern US/NATO determinations to: Evict Russia from its Mediterranean Naval base in Syria Deny/control Chinese access ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 9:59 am
Apr 252011
Assassinate Qaddafi?

Tyrants beware. What goes around might come around by Tony Cartalucci Peddling a policy that includes assassinating the leader of a sovereign nation, besieged under blatantly false pretenses, sets a dangerous precedent that may backfire in the faces of the arrogant men calling for it. Lindsey Graham and John McCain, both of the meddling International Republican Institute implicated in funding and fueling the “Arab Spring” to begin with, have called for the assassination of Libya’s Qaddafi and members of his inner circle. The London Telegraph also reported that Foreign Secretary William Hague refused to rule out using US drones to assassinate Qaddafi. With the US ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 5:14 pm
Apr 252011
NATO fails in bid to kill Muammar Qaddafi

Another article from the Israeli Debka File dated 22 April 2011. Debka File is a reliable outlet for  both Israeli government information and disinformation. The article should be treated accordingly, whilst recognising that Israel has pressing interests and concerns about anything and everything concerning the broad Arab world. There can be absolutely no doubt that Israeli intelligence services and their assets will be deeply involved in the entire so-called ‘Arab Spring’ revolutions. The NATO humanitarian interventionists call this ‘protecting the civilian population’ Hours after US and British figures called for “the head of the snake” in Libya to be cut off, NATO warplanes early Monday, ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 4:55 pm
Apr 252011
US drones for Misratah -v- Russian arms, Chinese intel for Qaddafi

An article from the Israeli Debka File dated 22 April 2011. Debka File is a reliable outlet for  both Israeli government information and disinformation. The article should be treated accordingly, whilst recognising that Israel has pressing interests and concerns about anything and everything concerning the broad Arab world. There can be absolutely no doubt that Israeli intelligence services and their assets will be deeply involved in the entire so-called ‘Arab Spring’ revolutions. Both of Libya’s fighting camps are taking delivery of a surging influx of weapons shipments and military personnel – each hoping to use the extra aid for breaking the military standoff in its ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 7:47 am
Apr 242011
Britain, the Traitor Nation

Media Disinformation and Crimes against Humanity in Libya By David Halpin “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations…Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter.” UN Charter – 1: Purposes and Principles http://www.un.org/en/documents/charter/chapter1.shtml The vultures wheel over Libya beside the drones, but ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 7:02 pm
Apr 202011
Libyan Rebels Fighting the Globalists' War

How the Devil pays. by Tony Cartalucci – Land destroyer As the global corporate-financier oligarchs prepare the way rhetorically and logistically to send in the ground troops we were told would never set foot on Libyan soil, in a war that was only to last days, then weeks, but now over a month, the discernment, ambition, and true intentions of the Libyan rebels must be called into question. After rebel leader Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi admitted to being trained in Afghanistan and subsequently fighting American troops there, and admitting many of the rebel fighters now joining him in Libya had similarly returned from Afghanistan as well as ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 12:58 pm
Apr 182011
Protecting Profits from an Outbreak of Peace

Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy sent a message to the African Union in their jointly written April 14 op-ed: They’ll block any attempt to negotiate peace in Libya that doesn’t include Gaddafi’s ouster and the opening of Libya’s economy. By Stephen Gowans On April 14 US president Barak Obama, British prime minister David Cameron and French president Nicolas Sarkozy wrote an op-ed titled “Libya’s pathway to peace.” Appearing in the International Herald Tribune and two other newspapers, the op-ed set out US, British and French goals for Libya. One would be peace, but the pathway was to be Gaddafi’s exit, and his replacement by the Benghazi ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 11:09 am
Apr 182011
BBC, Libya, & Cluster Bombs

Globalists want to expand Libya war – rhetoric fortuitously changes in tandem. by Tony Cartalucci The ink was not even dry on the joint op-ed in New York Times written under the names of Obama, Sarkozy, and Cameron, when justification for their proposed expansion of the conflict was conveniently rolled out for public consumption. Reports by the corporate-financier funded Human Rights Watch immediately followed up calls to expand the mandate in Libya, claiming “cluster bombs” were being used in the city of Misrata. The Libyan government has denied these allegations stating that, “To use these bombs, the evidence would remain for days and weeks, and ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 7:52 am
Apr 182011
Libya:The Hard-Sell is coming

New York Times op-ed piece by Obama, Sarkozy, and Cameron by Tony Cartalucci When presidents are writing editorials in newspapers a hard-sell is just around the corner. Judging by the recent tripartite op-ed in the New York Times by Obama, Sarkozy, and Cameron regarding Libya, the hard-sell is most likely a protracted air campaign above Libya with an ever increasing ground presence below possibly leading to an all out invasion. Clearly the operation in Libya will exceed the “days or weeks, but not months” we were told it would take. Predictably the UNSC r.1973 mandate of “protecting civilians” has “mission crept” into providing air cover ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 7:46 am
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