UK SECRETARY OF STATE FOR JUSTICE, KENNETH CLARKE, TO BE SUMMONED TO ROYAL COURTS The case for unlawful confinement of 85 year old war hero, Norman Scarth, was presented today, August 18th, 2011, by Chris Jarvis at the Royal Courts of Justice in London to Justice Wyn Williams. The presentation included a petition which had gathered some 930 names in just a few days, complete with angry comments by an outraged public. Norman Scarth attended by video link from Leeds, was in good mental health, as witnessed by all, and he also presented his case to the judge, in very respectful, knowledgeable, and intelligent terms. Leeds Prison Governor, Paul Baker, failed to respond to the summons or send a representative, as he is said to be on holiday. Justice Williams denied Mr. Scarth due process of law. He adjourned the case until next week, sending him back to the torture of prison, rather than releasing him on bail as is done for common criminals, and the looters and rioters in the streets of London. Mr. Scarth is a civil prisoner who has been denied due process, and is kept in torturous conditions in Leeds Prison, UK. On July 25, 2011, he attempted to record a court hearing in Bradford on his phone, because hearing loops had not been provided by the court, and he is hard of hearing. The proceedings had started, and he had not had chance to ask permission – permission granted to him in the past, he says, by Lord Woolf. An angry Judge Jonathan Rose of Bradford Crown Court, had him arrested immediately. He was brought back into the court room in handcuffs, sentenced the next day, and dispatched to Leeds Prison for serious offenders, which has the highest suicide rate in the UK. He has been kept in solitary confinement and denied his pain medications. He was being denied access to legal representation until today, when Justice Wyn Williams was forced to make an order that Mr. Scarth be allowed his rights to legal counsel. HM Prisons Inspector, Nick Hardwick, had written to supporters this week, saying that, as HM Inspector of Prisons, he did not have the power to intervene after he received complaints about Mr. Scarth’s torture and the fact that Mr. Scarth’s official complaints were being ignored by all, including the Prisons Ombudsman who are slow to react (and have not properly intervened) and the Prison Governor, Paul Baker. Similarly, the Parole and Probations Board’s Mr. Terry McCarthy advised, on behalf of the entire board, along with Dr. Peter Selby of the Independent Monitoring Board at the National level, said that they had no powers to intervene. All are fully aware of the unlawful torture that Mr. Scarth is enduring, and that these conditions violate both UN and EU human rights., such as the denial of pain medications for severe muscle cramping, which is torture, and there are other conditions which add to the case for wilful physical and mental torture. Mr. Scarth’s supporters are claiming wilful blindness by all concerned in the matter of Mr. Scarth’s confinement. Justice Williams ordered that Mr. Scarth be allowed to have contact with legal representation, which the prison has been denying him. However, he refused to order that Mr. Scarth be given his prescription medication, thereby forcing him to be kept in physical and mental torture for a further week at least. Justice Williams acknowledged that he had the power to release Mr. Scarth immediately on bail, as he has already served twenty-three days of a six month sentence, but he declined to do so. Chris Jarvis took issue with this, and suggested that six months in the life of a man who is almost 86 years old, is equivalent to that of fifteen to sixteen years for younger man. Justice Williams refused to release Mr. Scarth, and the public gallery, which was full, erupted in loud shouts and cries of “injustice!” and “corruption!” Justice Williams has summoned Kenneth Clarke, Secretary of State for Justice, to The Royal Courts of Justice next week, along with the Prison Governor, Paul Baker of Leeds Prison, who was supposed to have been present today, but was not. There was coverage by Russian TV, and members of the local press. The Russian news agency has taken up this matter after a press release went out from the Russian Embassy in London, in support of Mr. Scarth, WWII Arctic Convoy Veteran, because the Russians are so grateful to Arctic Convoy veterans for their efforts during World War II. This month, in Scotland and other places, these veterans are being honoured and are outraged that Norman Scarth is in prison, rather than being honoured along with them. Mr. Scarth’s supporters are calling for the public worldwide to sign the public petition to release Mr. Scarth, who is being denied his human rights and pain medications under UN and EU conventions, without any intervention from government, parliament, or any governmental body, all of which were put on notice and provided with full documentation, and all of which knowingly contravene UN and EU human rights. Mr. Scarth raised this matter himself in court. Mr. Scarth has directly petitioned Her Majesty, the Queen, for release and pardon, but there has been no word yet. Justice Williams, as agent for the Queen, was also served Mr. Scarth’s petition for a pardon during the hearing. The Governor General of Canada, had previously also sent Mr. Scarth’s petition for pardon directly to the Queen. The public is demanding a Public Inquiry into the matter. FOLLOW ON TWITTER @freenorman
An open letter
Martin Narey, Director General of the Prison Service, wrote of “HELL HOLE PRISONS”. HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, Sir David Ramsbottom spoke on the Frost programme of ‘BARBARIC PRISON GUARDS’. See his book PRISONGATE.
Solitary Confinement for 23 ½ hours a day, lying on my bunk staring at the bunk above only 12¨ above my head, unable to sit up in bed. (as doctor’s orders). Nothing to read, nothing to write on, no watch, no radio, nothing to do but stare at the rotten stinking TV pumping out brainwashing garbage. (“Live in luxury with colour TV” says the so-called “News Media”) That IS Hell!!
Bad enough for anyone but for WW2 ‘Hero’ (as others have called me) who has worked honestly & hard for 70 years it is TORMENT!
The previous HMCIP Judge Sir Steven TUMIN told of people being sent to prison “BY SOME SLIMY JUDGE OR MAGISTRATE” (He “DIED SUDDENLY”).
MY CRIME? I had on me a ‘RECORDING DEVICE’ (as do ALL those with a mobile phone, ALL of which have a recording device. But I dared to switch mine on before asking permission of the judge. Why did I do so? It is my belief that there are many rotten apples in the judiciary, and for the last 15 years it has been my mission in life to expose them. It has been THEIR mission to silence me – by ANY MEANS, including potentially lethal terror attacks (as on 8th August 1999 & 20 July 2000).
As part of my mission I stood for Parliament & published the book ‘Cause for Concern’ in 1997. However, I was still regarded as a noisy old buffoon, a Parliamentary no-hoper. This changed after my single-handed success in the ECtHR brought a vital change in British law incorporated into the 1998 Human Rights Act. The change is much hated (by) lawyers & judges – AND I AM HATED FOR IT. Just 17 DAYS after the ECtHR decision came an attack on 8th Aug 1999. It was intended to silence me by fear, a heart attack or stroke the hoped for outcome. Few men of my age (73 then) would not have one or the other. However, I survived, so 11 months later there was a second attack during which I was given a brutal kicking that put me in hospital. To cover up these crimes there was a malicious prosecution for a NON-EXISTENT ‘crime’. Where others would have been given Probation, Community Service or Suspended Sentence, I was given TEN YEARS! – the intention being that I
would die in prison. The horror became worse but I skip that for now. Sufficient to say that I did not succumb to the torment & torture, but survived long enough to have ‘PAID MY DEBT TO
SOCIETY’(?). AFTER 7 YEARS, I WAS RELEASED. However, I have continued my mission to expose the rotten apples in the judiciary & am STILL under attack because of it – physical & financial!
Their hatred of me is proved by the savagery of the 10 year sentence & the savagery of this sentence. “It’s only 6 months”. AT 85 how many 6 months periods do I have left?
I INTENDED to ask Jonathan Rose for permission to use my recorder but did not get the opportunity to do so. Why DID I switch it on? I suspected there might be skulduggery during that case.
We are told that only those doing wrong need fear CCTV cameras. Why then are judges so TERRIFIED of being recorded. There is much more to this story, but the fact is that anybody in (the) land can commit ANY crime against me with impunity, but if I blink an eye I will be stamped on with savagery. So far the stamping has not been as that on Andy McCardle.
PS. It has ‘only’ been 72 hours so far, but at 85 every single day is precious to me, especially for the VITAL work I have to do to prevent Britain becoming even more of a POLICE STATE than it is now.
The present excitement about the Olympics is reminiscent of Berlin in 1936. To keep the people distracted from the horror behind the scenes.
“The Opium of the Masses” said Karl Marx. He said it about Religion, now it is SPORT
Monday 1st August 2011. Tomorrow I SHOULD be keeping an appointment at BRI (Hospital) but they refuse to take me.
Got the first sheet of paper on Wed 27th July. Got this one Sat 31st. No stamps or envelopes until Sat 7th Aug, so will be unable to post this before 9th Aug. IF they get it before 10th Aug it will be because I have managed to scrounge them from other prisoners. Please send copies of these documents to: My legal consultant xxx xxxxxxx who is a Human Rights Specialist.
My Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Paul Beavan (Bevan?) & Psychiatric Nurse Helen Poulter at Lynfield Mount Hospital: to Neil Craig at the Royal Hotel, Low Moor, & to THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD.
Stamps sent in for me have been sent back to the sender. A blank card with a stamp affixed has been given to me, but the stamp has been torn off. That is THIEVERY!
Please adopt the slogan ‘HELP for Heroes’. Get on to that organisation & DEMAND they do something dramatic NOW! If they do not then they must hang their heads in shame forever more. 6 months at 85 is equal to 15 YEARS for a younger man.
Visiting Order enclosed. It says “CONCERNED OR WORRIED ABOUT A FRIEND AT HMP LEEDS? Ring 0113 203 2972.” Please ask the WHOLE WORLD to do so.
Please copy the Complaint Form & send it to the prison. My hands are in cramp and I CANNOT write everything out again even if I can get the paper.
This is a death camp. They drive people to take their own lives, then they call it ‘SUICIDE’.
Please be quick. I think they will send me to a prison far away suffering the TORTURE of prison vans. With no flesh on my buttocks & very low seats my thighs make no contact, all the weight on my seat bones.
I have already put in a Complaint at the seizing of the envelope with the bundle of documents which were to be posted to the Court of Appeal. That is Obstructing / Perverting the Course of Justice – a crime subject to LIFE IMPRISONMENT.
“JUDGE” Jonathan Rose was acting in GROSS breach of his own Judicial Oath & that of the Queen (in whose name he purports to act) who swore before ALMIGHTY GOD to Deliver JUSTICE with MERCY. He was thus MASQUERADING as a judge and ‘Obtaining money (his salary) by false pretences.
I am forced to sleep in my clothes as I am very cold (a symptom of shock?).
I do suffer from agonising cramp & have been prescribed tablets for it, but am denied them here.
See the ‘United Kingdom Standard Minimum Treatment for Prisoners 1984(?). Demand that the prison doctor reads them.
I can post without a stamp, but it goes 2nd Class ONLY TO BE TOLD THAT TODAY MON 1st AUG!! But I can only remember a few addresses anyway.
Please thank Sabine McNeill for her WONDERFUL letter.
Get on to Patrick Cullinane & remind him (of) our conversation at Harrow.
NEIL CRAIG at Royal Hotel, Low Moor might be best man to get on to ‘HELP FOR HEROES’. Demand that they do something for THIS Hero.
Can you please send me a copy of the report in the Telegraph & Argus.
Protect the Bondholders
By London Banker The latest twists and turns in the Greek bailout fiasco have combined with a disturbing insight into FSA attitudes here in the UK to make me concerned that the system may now be distorted beyond peaceful reform. In fact, the danger of harmful destabilisation may be much worse because supervisor actions reinforce poor outcomes. I am told that the primary objective of the ECB in Greece and the FSA in the UK is the same: Protect the bondholders. Perhaps I am naive, but I did not realise that the FSA saw this as its primary mission until someone at the FSA bluntly ……. [Full Post]
Irish Tragedy

This post originated as a comment on an article about the Queen’s State visit to Ireland on Kev Boyle’s blog – “No one to vote for“. The comment was a bit long (for a comment) and is suitable as a separate article here on the WikiSpooks blog – so here it is: The complexities of hidden, Deep State, Irish politics are labyrinthine. The following is a brief reflections on the meaning of that State visit in its historical context. The British Deep State never really lost control of Ireland. The ‘Free State’ was indeed won – but at a terrible cost of division and vicious ……. [Full Post]
Who’s Who at The Royal Wedding

“Out beyond ideas of right thinking and wrong thinking, there is a field, I’ll meet you there.” Rumi (1207-1273.) The Survivable, the Bad and the Over the Top The wedding of the heir to the British throne, Prince William Arthur Philip Louis of Wales, to his lady friend of eight years Catherine Elizabeth Middleton (“Kate”) promises to be a modest affair, in these austere times, with nineteen hundred guests, a near unprecedented police presence, possibly a thousand members of the armed forces lining the route the couple will take to the ceremony, in the nine hundred years old, Westminster Abbey, on 29th April. Beneath streets ……. [Full Post]