Jul 042011

Britain’s Arrest of Sheikh Raed Salah By JONATHAN COOK He is an Islamic “preacher of hate” whose views reflect “virulent anti-Semitism” and who has funded Hamas terror operations, according to much of the British media. The furore last week over Sheikh Raed Salah, described by the Daily Mail newspaper as a “vile militant extremist”, goaded the British government into ordering his late-night arrest, pending a fast-track deportation. The raid on his hotel, from which he was taken handcuffed to a police cell, came shortly before he was due to address a meeting in the British parliament attended by several MPs. The outcry in Britain against ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 7:22 pm

The Sormon Massacre

 Libya  Comments Off
Jul 032011
The Sormon Massacre

For once, Thierry Meyssan is not offering us a clinical analysis of geo-political developments. He is reporting on facts that he witnessed firsthand: the story of his friend, Engineer Khaled K. Al-Hamedi. A story of horror and blood where NATO embodies the comeback of barbarism. Voltaire Network It was a family celebration, the Libyan way. Everyone had gathered to celebrate the third birthday of little Al-Khweldy. The grand-parents, the brothers and sisters and cousins were crowding inside the family house located in Sorman, 70 Kms West of the capital: a big garden where small houses had been built for the various members of the family, ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 8:04 pm
Jul 032011

(hat-tip Angirfan) A million people demonstrate in Tripoli (over 10% of the entire population) – Deafening silence from the Western MSM – apart from the odd allegation of “punishment for refusing to attend a pro-gaddafi rally” – naturally. Watch the video and ask yourself: if this had been in support of the rebels – those largely ‘al-qaeda’ inspired fundamentalists latterly fighting the US and UK military in Iraq and Afghanistan – how would the Western MSM respond? Gaddafi challenges Cameron, Sarkozy and Obama to switch on their television sets and see who has mass support in Libya. He says they are delusional and have entered ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 7:18 am
Jun 232011

By London Banker The latest twists and turns in the Greek bailout fiasco have combined with a disturbing insight into FSA attitudes here in the UK to make me concerned that the system may now be distorted beyond peaceful reform. In fact, the danger of harmful destabilisation may be much worse because supervisor actions reinforce poor outcomes. I am told that the primary objective of the ECB in Greece and the FSA in the UK is the same: Protect the bondholders. Perhaps I am naive, but I did not realise that the FSA saw this as its primary mission until someone at the FSA bluntly ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 6:45 am
Jun 222011

By Rev. Kevin D. Annett – Citizen of the Republic of Kanata, formerly “Canada” The Solstice, 21 June, 2011 Dear William and Kate, I understand that you have invited yourself into my country. Since I was recently banned from entering yours, for reasons known only to your Home Office, it behooves me to say that, as representatives of a destructive foreign power, you are not welcome here. In saying this, let me be clear that I bear neither of you personal animosity or hatred, but neither do I bear you allegiance. For you represent a criminal regime with centuries of blood on its hands that ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 12:29 pm
Jun 192011
Brian Haw: 7 January 1949 - 18 June 2011. RIP

Joint Press release from Brian’s Family and The  Parliament Sq Peace Campaign: Saturday 18th June 2011 Dear friends and supporters, It is with deepest regret that I inform you that our father, Brian, passed away this morning.  As you know he was battling lung cancer, and was having treatment in Germany. He left us in his sleep and in no pain, after a long, hard fight. With your help we have been able to share months more than we should have had with him, and for that we are eternally grateful.  We would like to have this time to be together as a family, to ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 11:34 am
Jun 172011

The Legacy of Winston Churchill By William Bowles – Global Research “I do not understand this sqeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using poison gas against uncivilised tribes.” — Winston Churchill 1920 Now let me get this straight: In order to save civilian lives (the infamous ‘Right to Protect’), the Empire, through its Rottweiller NATO, not only deindustrializes Libya but it also causes a mass exodus of refugees hundreds of whom drowned and many thousands more were left stranded, attacked and abused. The Pirates attempted to assassinate Gaddafi but succeeded in killing women and children instead. The Pirates bomb ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 6:12 am
Jun 162011

So you thought eugenics was a thing of the past – a nasty racist program,  researched and promoted by wicked Nazis but long since exposed and relegated to the dustbin of history ??? Think again my friend. The video is of  US Department of Defense officials discussing the release of a suitable respiratory virus, such as a strain of flu, to legitimize a vaccination program response which would include “FunVax“ (Fundamentalists vaccine) to manipulate the “God Gene” in DNA of those inoculated in order to eliminate religious fundamentalism. HONEST – I am NOT making this up. And doesn’t it have an uncomfortably familiar ring to ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 9:38 am
Jun 142011
Why the NATO powers are trying to assassinate Muammar Gaddafi

Protecting civilians or western oil companies? By Brian Becker – Liberation Wikileaks-released State Department cables from November 2007 and afterwards show the real reason for the mounting U.S. hostility to the Libyan government prior to the current civil war. NATO has been dropping devastating bunker-busting bombs on Muammar Gaddafi’s home in an attempt to assassinate him. One son and several grandchildren have died but Gaddafi has survived. The State Department cables give background to the hostility directed against Gaddafi by the United States and other NATO powers. One State Department cable from November 2007 (Wikileaks reference ID 07TRIPOLI967) sounds the alarm of “growing evidence of ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 6:56 am
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